Brisben Water Ozonix™

Solving the Produced Water Challenge

Treating produced water will comprise over 62% of operating costs by 2011.

For every barrel of oil extracted from a well, an average of 10 to 20 barrels of 'produced water' results, depending upon the age of the well. During the extraction process, water takes on dissolved substances including oil, arsenic, selenium and other toxic elements and therefore must be treated to meet federal environmental regulations before it can be re-introduced to the drilling site. The world's oil and gas fields are expected to generate over 85 billion barrels of produced water in 2007 - with a projected rise to 271 billion barrels by 2011. This means produced water will outpace oil and gas production by a 7-to-1 ratio over the next 4 years.


Brisben Water Ozonix™ helps solve produced water challenges

(1) treating greater varieties of produced water and development/drilling mud on site, thereby saving operators considerable expense in hauling off-site;

(2) reducing the concentration and solubility of toxic metals in the produced water to provide clean water that exceeds federal standards for re-injection feed stock and a wide away of environmental and human uses;

(3) reducing the footprint of interlocking equipment required to process produced water at the field; and

(4) lowering cost.