On Site Produced Water Treatment Solutions

Brisben Water Energy Services is a leading water treatment provider to the energy services sector. Currently, we provide a range of water treatment and recycling technologies and services to energy companies in the natural gas industry with onsite, chemical free solutions that kill bacteria and reduce scaling at high flow rates using Brisben Water’s patented Ozonix® Technology. Our team is regularly solving major water challenges in the field and we are continually developing new and innovative Ozonix® solutions for a wide variety of customers and energy applications.
Through ongoing technical development and collaboration with our customers, we are redefining the way produced water can be treated in the energy industry.
In the past, produced water was often disposed of via evaporation ponds and class II deep injection disposal wells. Today, we are helping the oil and natural gas industry to treat, recycle and re-use produced water reducing costs and increasing operational efficiencies and capacity.
Oil and Gas
The Ozonix® technology has been used to recycle BILLIONS of gallons of produced water and hydraulic fracturing fluids on hundreds of wells in the United States. Ozonix® eliminates the need for costly, liquid chemical biocides typically used to manage bactieria, microbial growth and corrosion. The Ozonix® technology is cost-efficient and enables energy companies to preserve vital water resources and ensure on-going sustainability.
Ozonix® Solutions for Produced Water Treatment:
Onsite flowback and produced water treatment
Prior to the introduction of the Brisben Water Ozonix® technology, flowback water had to be loaded into tanker trucks and hauled away to deep-injection sites or holding ponds. The Brisben Water Ozonix® water treatment technology has eliminated the need for wastewater trucking and allows operators to re-use 100% of their water in current and future operations.
Water disinfection and sterilization
Oxidation of contaminants
Ozonix® helps decrease liability and improve capacity through the chemical free treatment of all bacteria, soluble organics and hydrocarbons in your water cycle; eliminating the need for hazardous chemicals.
Process water treatment
Bacteria treatment and control
Ozonix® is a patented, chemical-free technology that provides high volume bacteria and corrosion control, completely oxidizing bacteria and destroying bacteria cell walls without the use of liquid chemicals that have to be transported through communities and handled onsite.
Biofilm destruction
Prevention of scaling, corrosion, and biofouling
Ozonix® will help operators protect assets and improve productivity by effectively combatting scaling, corrosion, and biofouling, while eliminating costly biocides and reducing scale inhibitors needed for corrosion control.
Enhanced oil recovery
Coal fly ash treatment
With clean air requirements becoming increasingly stringent, and nearly 70 millions tons of fly ash being produced annually in the United States alone, The need for cost-effective, environmentally friendly coal fly ash treatment has never been greater. Ozonix® is a proven, chemical-free alternative to existing chemical based coal fly ash treatment solutions, leveraging a patented advanced oxidation process to effectively treat coal fly ash for discharge or reuse without the creation of additional waste streams or the need for hazardous chemicals.
Cooling tower water treatment and makeup
Organic pollutant destruction
Ozonix® water and wastewater treatment technology is helping organizations around the world mitigate risks and improve capacity by completely – and cost effectively – oxidizing all soluble organics in water; eliminating the need for chemical biocides used to control microbial growth.