Energy Solutions

Produced Water Recycling – Oil and Natural Gas Industry
America’s oil and natural gas industry is projected to be worth $85 billion by 2013; and the need for clean reusable water will increase accordingly. Ozonix®, the chemical-free water treatment solution developed, patented, and manufactured by Brisben Water Technologies, addresses this need with an advanced water treatment system that provides long term resource sustainability to end users. Designed to treat both flowback water and produced water during hydraulic fracturing operations, Ozonix® provides operators with a total water management solution for on-site microbial control and scale-inhibition.
Unconventional Shale Plays
Natural gas recovered from Unconventional Shale Plays is now considered to be the next step forward in the fossil-fuel recovery challenge. The large volume and long-term potential of these shale plays are driving greater exploration of this previously ignored resource. In a conventional gas field, wells are drilled down to the gas deposits, which can be as deep as two miles beneath the surface. With unconventional shale plays, the gas trapped in tight shale formations is released through directional drilling and a process known as hydraulic fracturing that cracks the shale and releases the flow of gas.
Hydraulic Fracturing
Nuclear Power Generation Water Management
Brisben Water can help Nuclear Power Plant operators more effectively manage operations through innovative cost-effective water management solutions, including cooling tower water treatment, boiling water treatment, and wastewater recycling.
Coal-Fired Power Plant Wastewater Treatment
Coal continues to remain one of the world’s primary resources for producing electricity. It also has a much-debated reputation for being an unclean energy source and is highly regulated. One of the greatest challenges facing Coal-fired power plant operators is how to minimize the environmental impact of their operations while increasing production output. With its chemical-free Ozonix® wastewater treatment technology, Brisben Water can help operators increase production capacity, while adhering to environmental regulations.