Water Management Solutions for Municipalities

The capability of municipalities to meet the demands of growing populations is currently being stretched very thin: water scarcity and strict regulatory compliance are just a few of the challenges being faced. Brisben Water Technologies portfolio of patented technologies provides the means by which municipalities can at once improve the effectiveness and lower the cost of water management programs, while reducing dependency on hazardous chemicals such as chlorine.
Water and Wastewater Treatment Services for Municipalities:
Water disinfection and sterilization
One of municipalities’ core responsibilities is ensuring the reliable availability of a clean water source to the public. Through a proven advanced oxidation process, Brisben Water’s patented, chemical-free Ozonix® water treatment technology can help municipalities meet this demand through cost-effective and environmentally responsible disinfection, oxidation and sterilization of water.
Oxidation of contaminants
Process wastewater treatment
For over a decade, Brisben Water has been helping industrial companies solve some of the most significant process wastewater treatment challenges in the world – cost effectively and chemically free.
Bacteria, biofilm treatment and control
Prevention of biofouling, scaling and corrosion
Ozonix® helps protect assets and improve productivity by effectively combatting scaling, corrosion, and biofouling, while eliminating costly biocides and reducing scale inhibitors needed for corrosion control.
Sludge treatment and recovery
Odor control
Over the last 10 years, odor control has become an increasingly significant consideration for wastewater treatment programs. Municipal odor challenges are typically a result of anaerobic (or “septic”) conditions, a breeding ground for sulfate-reducing bacteria. Brisben Water’s chemical-free Ozonix® technology can help wastewater treatment programs effectively control odors through a patented, advanced oxidation process that increases the mass transfer efficiency of ozone and produces OH- (hydroxyl radicals) to cost-effectively destroy bacteria.