Produced Water and Water Recovery Solutions
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has identified produced water as by far the largest single volume by-product or waste stream associated with oil and gas production. Worldwide, oil and gas companies spend more than $40 billion annually dealing with produced water from wells. The global direct cost of hauling water for treatment off-site alone is expected to surpass $20 billion in 2007.
"From both a cost and an environmental standpoint, the produced water problem is reaching a crisis level. The Brisben Water Ozonix™ process is a revolutionary approach to the problem. Applications at the wellhead would cut billions of dollars from the rising price of oil products, extend the life of fields and increase the extraction rate per well."
- Dr. Kent Moors, oil industry authority and advisor to Brisben Water Technologies
Why new fields coming online are increasing in cost:
- greater field infrastructure requirements
- lower quality crude and smaller workable deposits
- chemical and geological problems
- reservoir structure and lower extractable reserve totals
- lack of conventional systems to provide mobility and ease of integration required for cost-effective operations
Brisben Water Ozonix™ Produced Water Treatment
Brisben Water Ozonix™ can help oil producers reverse water use patterns in the oil fields or on offshore oil rigs, to improve environmental protection while reducing operational costs. The ability to process produced water into a flow volume exceeding Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for re-injection or other use is of growing importance to producers and field operators, who must not only address the rising costs of continued field operations, but also keep marginal fields open and producing.
Brisben Water Ozonix™ provides the ability to reduce concentration and solubility of metals in produced water. Such metals include barium, arsenic, manganese, boron, selenium, copper, antimony and zinc. Typically, the water feed stream can contain up to about 100 ppb of such metals. And for offshore applications, Brisben Water Ozonix™ helps ensure treated water will be safe for marine environments.
Learn more about how Brisben Water Ozonix™ is solving the produced water problem