Brisben Water

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In developed countries, we take for granted our easy access to the vast network of public and private utilities and services that sustain us. No such network of resources exists for millions of people living ‘off the grid’ who must walk for miles to access clean water and who have never experienced a well-lit room, a hospital with modern equipment, or a school filled with books.

Population growth, global industry and social behaviors are taking their toll on our dwindling natural resources. New technologies are needed, along with new ways of delivering and applying those technologies, in order to appropriately serve communities and empower them for self-sufficiency – either off the grid or in areas devastated by natural disasters.

Ecos LifeLink® - A Micro Utility with Macro Benefits

LifeLink® can bring life-sustaining services of clean water, electricity and information access to people in need. Powered by renewable energy and designed as a ‘micro utility’ suitable for off-grid locations, LifeLink® is a fully portable system that can:

  • filter water to clean drinking water standards,
  • generate 10KW of electricity from solar panels and 30KW from a wind turbine, and
  • simultaneously connect thousands of people with wireless Internet access.

How it Works

LifeLink’s® solar energy collection and storage is achieved through an array of solar panels housed in slide-away drawers. The panels can collect more solar energy per surface area than would otherwise be possible, and they are well protected during shipment. A wind turbine is housed inside the micro utility, and expandable to maximize wind-energy production.




Powered by clean energy, the LifeLink® water filtration system is based on Brisben Water's patented Ozonix™ technology to treat contaminated water and bring it to potable standards.

Satellite and wireless VoIP technologies use low-cost Skype or equivalent Internet connectivity services to bring off-grid communities online. In this way, LifeLink® can provide a virtual learning center for schools, an information resource for micro businesses, or a communications network for an entire village.

The LifeLink® system is housed in a recycled 20’ or 40’ ISO shipping container designed for handling at any port of call and any point in the delivery chain. Once on location, LifeLink® setup and operation is straightforward.




Access to Opportunities

LifeLink® can help communities to improve health, communication and commerce. It can overcome boundaries of geography and economics to create better access and a more level playing field for our global citizens, with increased opportunities from education to agriculture.

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