Brisben Water

Mobile Wastewater Treatment Solutions

For many companies, wastewater treatment is expensive and environmentally hazardous: it involves hiring trucks to haul away contaminated wastewater to holding ponds or deep-injection sites. No longer.  Brisben Water’s self-contained, chemical-free, Ozonix® mobile water treatment systems offer minimal mobilization and demobilization arrangements and are proven effective in the high volume treatment of on site process water systems. No external power source is required.

Mobile Wastewater Treatment Services:

Bacteria treatment and control

Brisben Water’s Ozonix® technology provides high volume microbial control that completely oxidizes bacteria and destroys bacteria cell walls.

Biofilm destruction

From oil and gas to municipal wastewater, the untreated buildup of biofilms can cripple systems and threaten profitable operations. Although chemical-based solutions are prevalent, they can be expensive, ineffective and hazardous to both employees and the environment, increasing organizational liability. The patented Brisben Water Ozonix® technology is a chemical-free alternative that leverages an advanced oxidation process to effectively destroy biofilms.

Water disinfection and sterilization

Across industries clean water is critical to sustainable, profitable operations. Through a proprietary advanced oxidation process, Brisben Water’s patented, chemical-free Ozonix® water treatment technology is helping companies in industries around the world mitigate risks and protect assets, through cost-effective and environmentally responsible water disinfection, oxidation and sterilization of water.

Oxidation of contaminants

Ozonix® helps decrease liability and improve capacity through the chemical free treatment of all bacteria, soluble organics and hydrocarbons in your water cycle; eliminating the need for hazardous chemical biocides.

Prevention of biofouling, scaling and corrosion

Brisben Water’s cost-effective, chemical-free Ozonix® technology protects assets and improves productivity by effectively combatting scaling, corrosion, and biofouling, while eliminating costly biocides and reducing scale inhibitors needed for corrosion control.

Process wastewater treatment

From rinsing to boiler water make up, process water is used across industries around the world.  Effective process water treatment is critical to improving product quality, protecting assets, and lowering energy costs.  For over a decade, Brisben Water has been helping industrial companies solve some of the most significant process water challenges – cost effectively and chemically free. Wastewater treatment, reuse, and recycling are critical to controlling costs and meeting environmental regulations. Brisben Water’s Ozonix® Technology provides manufacturers across industries with a proven, chemical-free alternative for the pre-treatment of process water as well for effective wastewater treatment and water recycling.

Odor control

Over the last 10 years, odor control has become an increasingly significant consideration for wastewater treatment programs. Ozonix® can help wastewater treatment programs effectively control odors through a patented, advanced oxidation process that increases the mass transfer efficiency of ozone to cost-effectively destroy bacteria.

Leachate and recovery

Leachate, particularly in mining, can contain a high level of toxins and be environmentally devastating if it finds its way to ground or surface water. Brisben Water’s patented Ozonix® technology is a proven, chemical-free technology that will effectively treat leachate to ensure that it doesn’t become an organizational liability.

Wastewater pretreatment

Wastewater pretreatment involves the treatment of wastewater produced by industrial operations to remove pollutants before the wastewater can be safely discharged. This discharge is highly regulated, and as industrial and commercial operations vary, so do the nature of contaminants. Brisben Water’s proven, chemical-free Ozonix® technologywill help commercial and industrial operations achieve cost-effective wastewater pretreatment to produce environmentally safe effluent that is suitable for discharge.

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