Gas exploration today not only requires better reservoir knowledge and superior drilling methods, but also highly targeted completion technologies. Our customers want to improve their use of precious water assets to support not only multi-stage fracturing, but also well completion efficiencies and improved water conservation.
The Brisben Water Ozonix™ mobile water recycling system easily processes the high volume of flowback water required for multi-well completions at the same well site.
The Brisben Water Ozonix™ Technology is based on a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) model. Unlike other Technologies including vapor distillation, mechanical vapor recompression (MVR), and membrane technologies, the Brisben Water Ozonix™ process does not require the high amounts of energy needed to heat up water or run high pressure pumps to push water through membranes.
The Brisben Water Ozonix™ ZLD process allows energy companies to recycle 99% of their high TDS flowback and produced waters, reducing hauling and disposal costs.