Since 2008, Brisben Water Energy Services has been providing energy exploration and production companies with mobile, high-volume, chemical-free water treatment equipment to treat and recycle flowback and produced waters during hydraulic fracturing operations.
Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” requires millions of gallons of water to be mixed with very fine sand and forced down the well at high pressure in order to produce oil or natural gas. During the first few weeks of operations, millions of gallons of contaminated flowback water return to the surface. Prior to the introduction of Ozonix®, this flowback water had to be loaded into tanker trucks and hauled away to deep-injection disposal sites or evaporating ponds.
Brisben Water’s revolutionary Ecos-Frac® line of Ozonix® products have reduced the need for wastewater trucking and allow operators to recycle and re-use 100% of their treated water in future operations. Ozonix® provides long-term resource sustainability to end-users and also provides operators with a total water management solution for cost-effective, on-site microbial control and scale inhibition.
- Ozonix® F10
- Ozonix® EF10-MS
- Ozonix® EF20
- Ozonix® EF80
- Microbial Control
- Scale Inhibition
- Eliminates chemicals
- Provides rapid on-site water reclamation
- Oxidizes contaminates, killing bacteria “on-the-fly”
- Eliminates costly biocides and scale inhibitors
- Eliminates waste byproducts and residual pollutants
- Eliminates separation, transportation & disposal costs
- Self-contained system offers minimal mobilization and demobilization
- High volume capability allows for quick turnaround time and efficient utilization
- Ozonix® is environmentally safe - preserves vital natural water resources for current & future generations
ECOS-FRAC® eliminates 100% of liquid chemical biocides and scale inhibitors typically used during hydraulic fracturing operations to control bacteria and scale.
- Ecos-Frac® services have been independently tested and proven to kill bacteria and negate scale formation at very high flow rates (up to 120 BPM OR 5,000 GPM).
- Ecos-Frac® products have been used to successfully treat and recycle over 3 billion gallons of fluid on more than 700 oil and natural gas wells around the United States
ECOS-BRINE® is a clean, bacteria-free and scale-free fracturing fluid that can be used to fracture oil and natural gas wells. Ecos-Brine® is produced as a result of Brisben Water's patented Ozonix® technology.
ECOS-STIM® is an environmentally-friendly completions fluid that uses Ecos-Brine® and a compatible friction reducer for specific shale plays as warranted.
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