Brisben Water Technologies, Inc.

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While much of America’s energy still comes from oil, gas and coal resources, nuclear power is predicted to be an $18 Billion industry by the year 2013. To date there are only 104 nuclear power plants in the United States, but these power stations use and consume more water than those using other fuel sources—depending upon the type of cooling system the increase can range from 20% to 83% more per megawatt. Although nuclear energy is positioned as the clean and more energy-efficient power, the truth is that uncontrolled discharges are playing havoc with our aquatic life and environmental balance.

Brisben Water’S SOLUTION:

Although nuclear power plants require 2.3 liters of water for every kilowatt hour of electricity generated, much of that water can be reclaimed from municipal greywater or industrial wastewater, particularly when used for purposes such as boiler feed and cooling. The Brisben Water Ozonix® Technology can offer customers cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly water reclamation plus end pipe wastewater that is treated to a tertiary level, free of contaminates for discharge in an open loop cooling system or for reuse in a closed loop system.


  • Ozonix® is a chemical-free solution for high volume microbial control and scale-inhibition
  • Waste products, heavy metals, contaminates and bacteria are completely oxidized with Ozonix®
  • High-volume capabilities for re-use; A single Ozonix® Advanced oxidation system can treat up to 3,300 gallons per minute
  • Ozonix® processed water achieves scale-inhibition without using chemical additives to minimize flow friction
  • Ozonix® water reclamation helps to preserve surface water resources for present and future operations
  • Ozonix® treated water can be tailored to meet or exceed specific industry water treatment standards
  • Ozonix® has been proven effective through independent laboratory tests and the hundreds of millions of gallons of wastewater that have already been recycled and re-used in the oil and natural gas industry


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